西门子 接口模块 6ES7151-1AA06-0AB0 6ES7151-1AA06-0AB0 SIMATIC DP,接口模块 IM 151-1 标准针对 ET 200S; 包括终端模块 数据量每 244 Byte 针对 输入端和输出端; 较多 63 个外围模块 PROFIBUS-DP 0版和 1版 至 2m 宽度以下可连接; 总线接口通过 9针 Sub-D 6ES7151-1AB05-0AB0 SIMATIC DP,接口模块 IM 151-1 Fo,用于 ET 200S; 传输率至 12MBit/s; 数据量每 244 Byte 针对 输入端和输出端; 较多 63 个电源模块,电子模块 或电机起动器模块 可连接; 总线连接,通过集成的 LWL 包括终端模块 6ES7151-1BA02-0AB0 SIMATIC DP,接口模块 IM151-1 High Feature,用于 ET200S; 传输率至 12MBit/s; 数据量分别为 244 字节,用于 I/O 较多可以连接 63 个模块; 等时模式, 总线接口通过 9针 Sub-D 包括终端模块 6ES7151-1CA00-0AB0 SIMATIC DP,接口模块 IM 151-1 Basic,用于 ET 200S; 传输率至 12MBit/s; 较多 12 个电源,电子模块 或电机起动器模块 (无功能模块)可连接; 总线接口通过 9针 Sub-D 包括终端模块 6ES7151-1CA00-1BL0 ET 200S 紧凑型,32DI STD, 24V DC,3ms,可以扩展较多 至 12 个 ET 200S 模块 (无功能模块) 电子功能块 6ES7151-1CA00-3BL0 ET 200S 紧凑型,16DI/16DO STD 24V DC,3ms,;24V DC,0.5A 可以扩展较多 至 12 个 ET 200S 模块 (无功能模块) 电子功能块 公司的主营产品有: SIEMENS 可编程控制器 1、 SIMATIC S7 系列PLC:S7-200、S7-1200、S7-300、S7-400、ET-200 2、 逻辑控制模块 LOGO!230RC、230RCO、230RCL、24RC、24RCL等 3、 SITOP直流电源 24V DC 1.3A、2.5A、3A、5A、10A、20A、40A可并联. 4、HMI 触摸屏TD200 TD400C K-TP OP177 TP177,MP277 MP377, SIEMENS 交、直流传动装置 1、 交流变频器 MICROMASTER系列:MM420、MM430、MM440、G110、G120. MIDASTER系列:MDV 2、全数字直流调速装置 6RA23、6RA24、6RA28、6RA70、6SE70系列 SIEMENS 数控 伺服 1、SINUMERIK:801、802S 、802D、802D SL、810D、840D、611U、S120 2、系统及伺服电机,力矩电机,直线电机,伺服驱动备件等等。主营产品或服务:西门子PLC,西门子变频器,西门子数控系统,西门子伺服电机,西门子人机界面,西门子软启动器,西门子触摸屏,西门子工业以太网,西门子LOGO!,西门子SITOP电源,西门子软件,西门子线缆等 由于产品特需,买家购买前请联系卖家,确认型号及数量以及产品具体参数。 确保购买产品型号或者参数无误再购买、 本店不承担客户因型号或者参数错误带来的一切损失,谢谢配合、 本店还可以开具百分之十七的增值税发票,(另加税点) 本店还有其他西门子产品,如西门子PLC模块,西门子触摸屏,西门子变频器等等、 本店所售均为西门子原装产品,敬请放心购买!量大价优,欢迎选购! 我们承诺所有销售产品力争做到**如实描述,**实物拍照,让买家购买更放心。 质量保证·服务诚信·价格实惠 概述 连接 ET 200S 和 PROFIBUS DP 的接口模块 处理与 PROFIBUS-DP 主站的所有数据交换 6 种型号: IM 151-1 基本型(RS485) IM 151-1 简洁型 32DI DC24V (RS485) IM 151-1 简洁型 16DI DC24V / 16DO DC24V/0.5A (RS485) IM 151-1 标准型(RS485) IM 151-1 标准型(FO) IM 151-1 高性能型(RS485) 交货时包括连接模块 IM 151-1 不同型号的主要区别: IM 151-1 基本型 IM 151-1 简洁型 IM 151-1 标准型 IM 151-1 标准型 IM 151-1 高性能型 订货号6ES7 151- 1CA00-0AB0 1CA00-1BL00 1CA00-3BL00 1AA04-0AB0 1AB02-0AB0 1BA02-0AB0 分布式 I/O - 32 DI 16DI / 16 DO - - - 较大 I/O 模块数 12 12 63 63 63 较大站宽 2 m 2 m 2 m 1 m 2 m 较多参数数目 198 byte 218 byte 244 byte 244 byte 244 byte 输入输出较大地址空间 每个 88 byte 每个 100 byte 244 byte 128 byte 取决于 DP 主站: 244 byte 或不想关 较大诊断信息长度 6 … 43 byte 6 … 44 byte 6 … 122 byte 6 … 64 byte 6 … 128 byte 协议 DP V0 DP V0 DP V0 和 DP V1 DP V0 DP V0 和 DP V1 DP 连接类型 RS485 RS485 RS485 光纤 RS485 固件更新 X X √ X √ 选项处理 X X √ √ √ 同步模式 X X X X √ 每模块的较大地址容量 8 byte 8 byte 32 byte 8 byte 32 byte 数据识别 X X √ X √ 故障安全模块的使用(PROFIsafe) X X X X √ 智能从站与从站间通讯 X X X X √ 技术规范 Article number 6ES7151-1CA00-1BL0 6ES7151-1CA00-3BL0 ET 200S COMPACT, 32DI STD, ET 200S COMPACT, 16DI/16DO STD General information Vendor identification (VendorID) 8200H Supply voltage Load voltage 1L+ ● Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V ● Reverse polarity protection Yes Yes Input current from supply voltage 1L+, max. 100 mA 100 mA Power loss Power loss, typ. 3 W 3 W Address area Addressing volume ● Inputs 100 byte 100 byte ● Outputs 100 byte 100 byte Digital inputs Number of digital inputs 32 16 Input voltage ● Type of input voltage DC DC ● Rated value (DC) 24 V 24 V ● for ** "0" -30 to +5V -30 to +5V ● for ** "1" 13 to 30V 13 to 30V Input current ● for ** "1", typ. 4 mA; At 24 V min. 2 mA 3 mA Input delay (for rated value of input voltage) for standard inputs — at "0" to "1", min. 1.2 ms; typically 3 ms 1.2 ms; typically 3 ms — at "0" to "1", max. 4.8 ms; typically 3 ms 4.8 ms; typically 3 ms — at "1" to "0", min. 1.2 ms; typically 3 ms 1.2 ms; typically 3 ms — at "1" to "0", max. 4.8 ms; typically 3 ms 4.8 ms; typically 3 ms Cable length ● unshielded, max. 1 000 m 1 000 m Digital outputs Number of digital outputs 0 16 Short-circuit protection Yes Limitation of inductive shutdown voltage to L+ (-55 to -60 V) Controlling a digital input Yes Switching capacity of the outputs ● on lamp load, max. 5 W Output voltage ● for ** "1", min. L+ (-0.8 V) Output current ● for ** "1" permissible range, min. 7 mA ● for ** "1" permissible range, max. 0.6 A ● for ** "0" residual current, max. 0.5 mA Output delay with resistive load ● "0" to "1", max. 0.5 ms ● "1" to "0", max. 1.3 ms Switching frequency ● with resistive load, max. 100 Hz ● with inductive load, max. 2 Hz ● on lamp load, max. 10 Hz Total current of the outputs (per group) all mounting positions — up to 60 °C, max. 2 A Cable length ● unshielded, max. 1 000 m Encoder Connectable encoders ● 2-wire sensor Yes — permissible quiescent current (2-wire sensor), max. 1.5 mA Interfaces Transmission procedure RS 485 RS 485 Interface physics, RS 485 Yes Yes Interface physics, FOC No No PROFIBUS DP ● Output current, max. 80 mA ● Transmission rate, max. 12 Mbit/s ● Direct data exchange (slave-to-slave communication) Yes Yes ● Cable length, max. 1 200 m 1 200 m Protocols Supports protocol for PROFINET IO No No PROFIBUS DP Yes Yes Protocols (Ethernet) ● TCP/IP No No Isochronous mode Isochronous operation (application synchronized up to terminal) No No Interrupts/diagnostics/status information Alarms No No Diagnostic functions Yes Yes Diagnostics indication LED ● Bus fault BF (red) Yes Yes ● Group error SF (red) Yes Yes ● Status indicator digital input (green) Yes ● Status indicator digital output (green) Yes ● Monitoring 24 V voltage supply ON (green) Yes Yes Potential separation between backplane bus and electronics No between supply voltage and electronics No Potential separation digital inputs ● Potential separation digital inputs No Potential separation digital outputs ● Potential separation digital outputs Yes Isolation Isolation tested with 500 V DC 500 V DC Degree and class of protection IP degree of protection IP20 IP20 Connection method Design of electrical connection for the inputs and outputs Screw-type and spring-loaded terminals, permanent wiring; 3 and 4-wire connection Dimensions Width 120 mm 120 mm Height 81 mm 81 mm Depth 58 mm 58 mm Weights Weight, approx. 230 g; EB only Article number 6ES7151-1AA06-0AB0 6ES7151-1AB05-0AB0 6ES7151-1BA02-0AB0 6ES7151-1CA00-0AB0 ET200S, IM151-1 STD, 12MBIT/S ET200S, INTERFACE MODULE IM151-1 FO ET200S, INTERF.MOD. IM151-1 HF, 12MBIT/S ET200S, IM151-1 BASIC, 12MBIT/S General information Vendor identification (VendorID) 806Ah 806Bh 80F3h Supply voltage Mains buffering ● Mains/voltage failure stored energy time 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms No Input current from supply voltage 1L+, max. 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA 70 mA Output current for backplane bus (5 V DC), max. 700 mA Power loss Power loss, typ. 3.3 W 3.3 W 3.3 W 1.5 W Address area Addressing volume ● Inputs 244 byte 244 byte 244 byte 88 byte ● Outputs 244 byte 244 byte 244 byte 88 byte Interfaces Transmission procedure RS 485 Interface physics, RS 485 Yes; 9-pin sub D socket Yes Yes; 9-pin sub D socket Interface physics, FOC Yes; 4 x Simplex socket PROFIBUS DP ● Output current, max. 80 mA 80 mA ● Transmission rate, max. 12 Mbit/s; 9,6 / 19,2 / 45,45 / 93,75 / 187,5 / 500 kbit/s; 1,5 / 3 / 6 / 12 Mbit/s 12 Mbit/s; 9,6 / 19,2 / 45,45 / 93,75 / 187,5 / 500 kbit/s; 1,5 / 12 Mbit/s 12 Mbit/s 12 Mbit/s; 9,6 / 19,2 / 45,45 / 93,75 / 187,5 / 500 kbit/s; 1,5 / 3 / 6 / 12 Mbit/s ● SYNC capability Yes Yes Yes Yes ● FREEZE capability Yes Yes Yes Yes ● Direct data exchange (slave-to-slave communication) Yes Yes Yes Yes ● Cable length, max. 1 200 m 2 m Protocols Supports protocol for PROFINET IO No No No No PROFIBUS DP Yes Yes Yes Yes Protocols (Ethernet) ● TCP/IP No No No No Isochronous mode Isochronous operation (application synchronized up to terminal) No No Yes No Interrupts/diagnostics/status information Alarms Yes Yes Yes No Diagnostic functions Yes Yes Yes Yes Diagnostics indication LED ● Bus fault BF (red) Yes Yes Yes Yes ● Group error SF (red) Yes Yes Yes Yes ● Monitoring 24 V voltage supply ON (green) Yes Yes Yes Yes Potential separation between backplane bus and electronics No No No No between electronic block and PROFIBUS DP Yes Yes Yes between supply voltage and electronics No No No No Permissible potential difference between different circuits 75 V DC/60 V AC 500 V DC 75 V DC/60 V AC 75 V DC/60 V AC Isolation Isolation tested with 500 V DC 57 V DC/60 V AC 500 V DC 500 V DC Standards, approvals, certificates CE mark Yes Yes UL approval Yes Yes Ambient conditions Ambient temperature during operation ● min. 0 °C 0 °C ● max. 60 °C 60 °C Dimensions Width 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm Height 119.5 mm 119.5 mm 119.5 mm 119.5 mm Depth 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm Weights Weight, approx. 150 g 150 g 150 g 150 g